

We are known for our university admissions expertise. So much so that our Director of University Admissions, Sunny Jain even wrote a book on it, University Admissions Explained. The book demystifies the university admissions process and sets out Sunny’s Admissions Formula (SAF) that we use in our work with our students.  Sunny holds a MEng from Oxford University and was a 2019 Fellow at Harvard University – one of the youngest Fellows in the recent history of his department. Sunny has been involved in more than 700 university applications worldwide.
We guide all our students with the sections below that apply to them and help to prepare strong applications. For students who are aiming at some of the more competitive universities that have additional admissions requirements and low admissions rates, we offer additional one-on-one exam coaching, interview preparation, essay drafting, and comprehensive CV-building outside of the main school timetable.


Our University Admissions Programme is based on Sunny’s Admissions Formula (SAF). It consists of the following key elements:

  • Application Forms
  • Building the CV (Academic & Non-Academic)
  • Personal Statement Guidance
  • Essay Writing Preparation
  • Interview Preparation
  • Subject Tutoring
  • Subject Testing Preparation
  • References
  • Transcript
Our full-time and part-time students have studied or are currently studying at these universities:
Our full-time & part-time students have studied or are currently studying at these universities: