Our Story


Our story

A&J School is the brainchild of Sunny Jain. Sunny saw early on that many pupils leave school unprepared for the challenges of modern-day life, lacking the knowledge and skillset needed to succeed in the increasingly competitive world climate. Believing that the most useful life skills are almost entirely self-taught through trial and error, Sunny realised that a traditional school environment does not work for every student and set out to re-design a school from the ground up.
His vision for a school is what A&J School is today.


The education system as we know it today is a nineteenth century invention, developed to address the challenges of its age. At A&J School, we have tailored our curriculum to incorporate the best aspects of the past and combined them with techniques and methods needed to succeed in today's world.
We deliver three things:  



We offer traditional British GCSE and A-Level qualifications as well as the American High School Diploma and AP programmes, which are recognised by universities and employers worldwide. These are delivered by exceptional teachers recruited for their expertise and unique skillset, not by their location.



This is a unique curriculum of life skills developed by Sunny to give A&J pupils the tools needed to stand on their own two feet and to become competitive players in the 21st Century economy where competition for the top roles will only intensify.



This program is aimed at getting our students into the world’s best universities. It includes subject testing preparation, interview preparation, and tailored personal statement guidance.
A&J School is a fully remote, live school. There is no opportunity to watch the recording of class, and every pupil is expected to attend every single lecture, lesson, and study clinic. Our students are often busier than most students in mainstream in-person schools. We believe that children need to be challenged so that they can thrive in an environment where tasks are difficult yet rewarding. Only by stretching our pupils to set and achieve ambitious goals can they build life-long confidence and resilience.

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How we can help you

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How we can help you
July 17, 2024

A&J School Meets The King at Windsor Castle

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February 24, 2024

A&J School Students Receive Oxford University Offers

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A&J School Christmas Party at Mark’s Club in Mayfair

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Professor Timothy Patrick McCarthy from Harvard Business School Joins the A&J School Team

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