A&J School Students Receive Oxford University Offers

January 9, 2024

Congratulations to our two students who have received conditional offers from Oxford University today on highly competitive courses. Our Headmaster Dr Campos commented:

‘I would like to congratulate both of our students. This achievement is not an overnight success but a result of years of hard work and sacrifice on the part of the students. I also want to thank all faculty and support staff for their hard work and dedication. We are still waiting for results from the rest of UK and US universities and several of our students chose to apply to Europe and Hong Kong. Fingers crossed for those results and keep up good work.’

Our Director of University Admissions, Sunny Jain commented:

‘Students have worked very hard and have every reason to be proud of their achievements. At the same time, it is important to say to those students who were not successful: well done for trying. You put in a fantastic effort, and I am confident that you will be rewarded for your hard work in the coming months as other university offers come out.’

A&J School Students Receive Oxford University Offers

January 9, 2024

Congratulations to our two students who have received conditional offers from Oxford University today on highly competitive courses. Our Headmaster Dr Campos commented:

‘I would like to congratulate both of our students. This achievement is not an overnight success but a result of years of hard work and sacrifice on the part of the students. I also want to thank all faculty and support staff for their hard work and dedication. We are still waiting for results from the rest of UK and US universities and several of our students chose to apply to Europe and Hong Kong. Fingers crossed for those results and keep up good work.’

Our Director of University Admissions, Sunny Jain commented:

‘Students have worked very hard and have every reason to be proud of their achievements. At the same time, it is important to say to those students who were not successful: well done for trying. You put in a fantastic effort, and I am confident that you will be rewarded for your hard work in the coming months as other university offers come out.’

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